The soundboard is one of the most essential parts of your piano. When you play, the soundboard amplifies and radiates a large volume of sound into the air.
Most soundboards are 5/8″ thick. But in the early 1900s, Steinway and Sons introduced their “diaphragmatic” soundboards. The Steinway soundboards gradually taper to 1/4″ thick at the sides. This design allows for greater projection and air movement, which many piano makers have adopted since then.
For over ten years, the Bradfield Piano team has rebuilt, repaired and restored Steinway and other piano soundboards with the excellent results. Our technicians are experienced in piano restoration, advanced repair techniques and piano refinishing. You can trust Bradfield Piano for your soundboard repair and replacement needs.
The Importance of a Piano Soundboard
Open the lid of your upright or grand piano, and you’ll see a shiny, thin piece of wood beneath the iron plate that runs along the back or bottom of your instrument. This is your soundboard. Many pieces of wood are glued together to form the soundboard, which is attached to the rim of the piano. Then, the pin block and iron plate are mounted before the piano is strung.
The soundboard amplifies the vibrations of the strings via treble and bass bridges. Vibrating strings send the waves through the bridges and into the soundboard. Without a soundboard, the music from vibrating strings would be difficult to hear.
Soundboards must be perfectly balanced to eliminate any sound interference. That’s why it’s essential to conduct regular maintenance and repair of your soundboard.
Fixing Cracks in Your Soundboard
Whether you have a grand piano or an upright piano, fixing cracks is one of the most common soundboard repairs. Years of vibration and climate changes can cause the soundboard’s pieces to split at the seams. The good news is that most cracks do not create a noticeable difference in sound. In fact, small cracks are quite common and are usually not serious.
If your piano receives a shock, like a flood or a drop during a move or relocation, you may notice a more serious crack in your soundboard. Keep in mind that even a deep split is not a cause for immediate alarm. Play the instrument and listen — is there a pronounced rattle or buzz? If so, the crack may have split the soundboard into different pieces. In this case, consult with a professional piano technician.
Repairing vs. Replacing a Piano Soundboard
When choosing whether to repair or replace your soundboard, it’s important to consider the level of damage. Unless you have repaired a cracked soundboard before, we recommend contacting a professional. They can provide insight on how to best preserve your piano’s sound and give pricing for a soundboard repair or replacement.
At Bradfield Piano, our experienced technicians apply advanced repair techniques to mend soundboard cracks and restore the instrument’s sound. If the soundboard has sustained extensive damage, we can remove the plate from the piano and replace the soundboard.
Our technicians have first-hand knowledge of how Steinways and other pianos are manufactured. We use high quality Bolduc soundboards to mimic the original construction. A new soundboard will give your piano the right tone and ultimately extend the life of your instrument.
You want to treat your piano like the treasure it is. That’s why, when it comes to repairing a piano soundboard, hiring a knowledgeable, proven technician is worth the investment. At Bradfield Piano, we’re committed to delivering the best service possible and exceeding customer expectations. We even offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our services.
Call our timely, responsive team to learn more about how we can restore and repair your piano. We’re honored to have the chance to work with you.