Common Repairs

Repairing A Piano’s Soundboard

The soundboard is one of the most essential parts of your piano. When you play, the soundboard amplifies and radiates a large volume of sound into the air. Most soundboards are 5/8″ thick. But in the early 1900s, Steinway and Sons introduced their “diaphragmatic” soundboards. The Steinway soundboards gradually taper to 1/4″

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Repairing Piano Keys

Stuck or damaged keys are common issues that piano owners encounter — and they can be some of the trickiest to fix. Repairing piano keys is sometimes a matter of giving the sticky key a slight wiggle to help everything fall back into place. But you could risk further damaging

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Repairing A Piano’s Action

A piano’s action assembly is integral to the instrument’s expressive capability. To a pianist the relationship between touch (how the piano feels) and tone (how the piano sounds) are highly interrelated. Proper regulation of the piano action improves not only the tone of the piano but the ability of the

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Repairing or Replacing Piano Pedals

When the damper or sustain pedal is not working properly, it can be extremely distracting and annoying to the pianist. Sometimes the pedal may not lift the dampers enough or various parts of the pedal system can become stuck and cause the notes to sustain longer than intended. Damper pedals

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